Player biography Jules Kounde – The best midfielder in French football


Player Jules Kounde – French player, is Barcelona’s top star midfielder in La Liga and the French National Team. Follow now above Xoilac TV to update information and his best moments. Watch Kounde’s brilliant career on the field through each match and follow his beautiful passes and outstanding talent.

Detailed information about player Jules Kounde

Jules Kounde

Detailed information about player Jules Kounde

Player Jules Kounde, born November 12, 1998 in Paris, France, is a talented soccer player from the younger generation. Starting his career at Fraternelle de Landiras at the age of 11, he quickly attracted attention with his outstanding abilities.

At the age of 15, Kounde joined the Bordeaux youth team, where he proved his talent. His impressive achievements opened the door for him to join Sevilla Club at the age of 20. Here, he began his professional journey with excellent performances.

With attention from Barcelona, ​​Kounde joined the La Liga club, where he continued to strive and assert his class as a central defender.

At the same time, he is also an important part of the French national team, bringing strength to the defense. Discover more about the journey and success of player Jules Kounde in this promising football career.

Playing style of player Jules Kounde

Jules Kounde

Playing style of player Jules Kounde

Player Kounde is a versatile player who excels in many positions on the field. In addition to centre-back, he flexibly plays in defensive midfielder and full-back, increasing the team’s tactical diversity.

Jules Kounde’s biggest strength is speed, not only in movement but also in how to deal with opponents. Although not tall, he often demonstrates flexibility and agility thanks to his personal speed and technique.

Judgment skills and positional sense are decisive factors for player Jules Kounde’s success. Correct defensive decisions, even superior to his opponents, are his characteristics, demonstrating his agility and sophistication in reading the situation.

Flexibility and multitasking ability make Jules Kounde an important and special player in the squad.

The playing career of player Jules Kounde

Xoi lac TV updated the impressive playing career of player Jules Kounde, highlights in each match and outstanding achievements through the following article:Jules Kounde

The playing career of player Jules Kounde

Club career

Footballer Jules Kounde has built an incredible career at top clubs in Europe. During the 2018-2019 season with Bordeaux, he demonstrated his strength and excellent ability, recording many notable achievements.

Moving to Sevilla in 2019, player Kounde has become an indispensable part, helping the team win the UEFA Europa League (2019-2021). This success is testament to his leadership and stability in defense.

In 2022, player Jules Kounde moved to Barcelona and quickly made an impact in La Liga, demonstrating unique skills and tactical thinking.

Career in the international arena

Not only famous at the club level, player J. Kounde also made an important contribution to France’s international success, winning the UEFA Nations League championship in 2021. His promising career is constantly growing, attracting attention from fans and experts.

With diverse abilities and international experience, player Kounde is one of the outstanding and promising young players, proving his strength in both the international environment and in top teams.

Personal life of football player Jules Kounde

Jules Kounde’s private life is kept private, focusing mainly on his career and personal training. He does not want the noisy attention off the field, keeping his personal life hidden in the shadows from the media and the crowd.

When not on the field, player Kounde focuses on practicing and developing personal skills, maintaining team spirit. This player demonstrates professionalism, high discipline and commitment to the success of his career.

Player Jules Kounde’s reticence not only keeps him away from unnecessary controversies but also creates an image of stability and focus. Fans and teammates were positively impressed by his maturity and focus, helping to build a strong image off the field.


See now above Xoilac TV to have a comprehensive view of player Jules Kounde and his journey to building his career. Discover more about this player to understand the achievements and outstanding characteristics of Kounde’s football career. Provided with detailed information, you will experience the diversity and class of this player in every match and the achievements that accompany him.


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